Lacto Fermented Cranberries



  • 340 g Cranberries

  • 7 g non-iodized salt (2% salt by weight of cranberries)

Method if fermenting in a vacuum bag:

  1. Add cranberries and salt to vacuum bag and toss to mix contents

  2. Arrange the berries in a single layer and seal the bag on maximum suction. Seal the bag as close as possible to the opening. This gives you room to cut the bag to release gas build up and then reseal it.

  3. Ferment the cranberries at room temp or a slightly warmer temperature. They will likely take 5-8 days until they reach a briny tartness. 

  4. Start taste testing the cranberries after 3-4 days to see how they are coming along. Slice a corner of the bag, taste a cranberry, and reseal.

  5. Once the cranberries have reached the level of tartness you want, likely somewhere between 5-8 days, remove them from the bag and strain the liquid into separate containers.

  6. Store in the fridge for 4-7 days without much change in taste. To prevent further fermenting, store them in freezer bags with the air removed.

Ethan Chlebowski